Why we do what we do.


Sports culture offers so much to so many, for some, athletics is hope, the best option for success and survival. It’s family tradition, personal passion, and great physical exercise.

Led first by their parents, and eventually by coaches, athletic kids grow up focused almost solely on the physical side of sports. Physical training and the pressure to be the fastest and strongest doesn’t just become an athlete’s sole focus, it becomes the “SOUL” focus.

Sports culture often overpowers other cultures. Coaches, parents, and peers pressure kids to abandon creative pursuits and the arts are often portrayed as weak or for non-athletes.

It’s a stereotype forged by sports culture.

We want to BE LIKE MIKE, but we NEED to be like Michelangelo.

Image of Picasso on a baseball card with quote" All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up."